rolling on floor in hysterical laughter
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Have the leaders of JWs ever said 'sorry'?
by JWB inwell have they?
given that 'we are all imperfect and fall down many times' one would expect them to have made at least some mistakes since rutherford founded the jw religion.
as christians are supposed to be humble, including those who 'would be great among you', should we not have seen evidence of this over such a long time period?.
Newly Enlightened
10 Hottest Issues about Jehovah's Witnesses-Your Opinion Please
by raymond frantz inhi guys ,i'm currently updating my website ( and would like to build a page with the 10 hottest issues about jehovah's witnesses .i'm still a believer therefore i would like to concetrate most on doctrines and less on policies.
i build a list below, please tell me what you think ,your feedback is much appreciated :.
united nations affiliationbaptised in the name of an organizationmemorial ,jesus' sacrifice denial mealblood idolization of the governing body 1914pedophilia casesjesus is not your mediatorharsh disfellowshiping policycounter productive witnessing of the good news
Newly Enlightened
The misquotes and 'cherry-picking' from their literature
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
Newly Enlightened
Black Sheep: Well if you don't think that article is saying that you could be DF'd also, then there is nothing I can do to convince you. But you know as well as we do then it is implied. And I know the deaf do not understand that. But we also know there is NOT full disclosure when a person is baptized regarding the punishment of shunning.
I know for a FACT it happens because it happened in my own family! My little brother was never baptized but left my parents home and discovered he was gay. My Mom & siblings SHUNNED him and he ended up committing suicide.
I'm not DF or DA, but I still get shunned...
by darthfader ini met a couple i used to know many years ago (probably 20) in a local "big box" store.
i knew they looked familiar and since they were dressed up and it was saturday "mid day" i put two and two and two and came up with 666... they were jw's.
i didn't say anything to them just minded my business picking up supplies when the woman came over to me and started asking me if she new me from work or some company.
Newly Enlightened
Yes, Darth. It has happened to our entire family. My daughter & Son-in-law have done nothing, but yet just because their our kids they are shunned also!
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
Who is the "True God of the Bible" ?
by Phizzy ini decided to ask this on the back of "lost"'s thread about yhvh etc.. quite often on here we get bible believers trying to tie the whole mess that is the bible together, and maintaining that it tells us about just one "true" god.. who is this "true" god, and what is the proof that he is true ?.
was he the god of abraham and melchizedech ?.
the god of the ordinary jew before the babylonian exile ?.
Newly Enlightened
Sorry to copy & paste, but I don't have time to type this all out. Just came across this and thought it interesting and might help with this discussion.
HalleluYAH means "Praise Yah"
Hallelu (??? Strong's H1984), in this context, means to "praise," almost ecstatically, and is a second-person imperative masculine plural form of the Hebrew verb hallal. From this we know that what may follow this word is the SUBJECT of the praise...
Yah (?? Strong's H3050) is a shortened form of YHWH, the name for the Creator. Almost every honest language scholar admits this, as well as the timeless, unchanged way it is pronounced throughout generations, in all languages, even today.
Nowhere, in any language, in any culture that I know of, is HalleluYAH pronounced "Hallelu-YEH." Scholars and proponents of the pronunciation Yehovah/Jehovah may offer all kinds of complex excuses to explain away THE OBVIOUS, but the OBVIOUS remains, the name of the Creator begins with YAH (YaHuWaH), not YEH (Yehovah).
I need help from an expert in latin, please
by EdenOne ini'm writing an article and i would like to ask for the help of someone with good knowledge of latin for a quick review of one sentence.. if you can help me out, it'll be much appreciated.. eden.
Newly Enlightened
What's the sentence? I use a very useful translation website, maybe it will help you. You just have to put the 2 languages you want in the boxes and type in your phrase
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you ADCMS for posting the follow-up article. It's good to bring these 'Solid scriptural' articles that are soon flip-flopped, out in the open for newer JW's that never saw these gems..
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.
Newly Enlightened
ADCMS: VERY GOOD point! How can they BOTH be solidily based on scripture when they are total opposites! Hubby says "I have a beer waiting for you here in the future."
Reminds me of the WT 1972 1/1 pg 32: Question from readers [ Pasted below] BUT then 11 months later CHANGED it AGAIN
*Lost* Thank you for the wonderful compliment. We enjoy discussing things with you also. I hope you're feeling better today. It is very traumatic when you learn the lies.
Love & Hugs
WT 1972 1/1
Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry?—U.S.A.Homosexuality is definitely condemned in the Bible as something that will prevent individuals from gaining God’s approval. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) However, whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage.
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ said: “Everyone divorcing his wife, except on account of fornication, makes her a subject for adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matt. 5:32) On a later occasion he told the Pharisees: “Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery.”—Matt. 19:9.
Thus “fornication” is seen to be the only ground for divorce that frees the innocent mate to remarry.
The Greek word for fornication is porneía. It can refer to illicit sexual relations between either married or unmarried persons. The ancient Greeks, in rare instances, may have understood this term to denote acts other than illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. But the sense in which Jesus used the word porneía at Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 must be ascertained from the context.
It should be noted that in Matthew chapters 5 and 19 “fornication” is used in the restricted sense of marital unfaithfulness, or illicit relations with another person not one’s marriage mate. Just before bringing up the matter of divorce in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ pointed out that “everyone [married] that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matt. 5:28) Consequently, when he afterward alluded to a woman’s committing fornication, his listeners would have understood this in its relative sense, namely, as signifying a married woman’s prostitution or adultery.
The context of Matthew chapter 19 confirms this conclusion. On the basis of the Hebrew Scriptures, Jesus pointed out that a man and his wife became “one flesh,” and then added: “What God has yoked together let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:5, 6) Now, in homosexual acts the sex organs are used in an unnatural way, in a way for which they were never purposed. Two persons of the same sex are not complements of each other, as Adam and Eve were. They could never become “one flesh” in order to procreate. It might be added, in the case of human copulation with a beast, two different kinds of flesh are involved. Wrote the apostle Paul: “Not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one of mankind, and there is another flesh of cattle, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish.”—1 Cor. 15:39.
While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken. It is broken only by acts that make an individual “one flesh” with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.